What we’ve been up to (Part 1)

It’s been a while since our last blog and maybe a lot of you are wondering why we haven’t posted anything.  One reason is that work is always wanting at the farm – it’s true, nature’s work is never done.  And besides, our site is a dead spot for any internet service.

First news: We are growing.  Ranie, a 14-year old kid from Baguio City joined us in the summer of last year.  He’s a son of a very close friend whose family is struggling financially.  Since his father died, the family struggled to make ends meet.  Last year, we invited Ranie to spend the summer vacation with us in our farm.  Because he grew up in a city, it was a big change for him but he adapted quickly. He enjoyed staying in the farm doing what kids do like climbing trees, trekking and swimming in the river.  He also enjoyed helping us out in some farm work.  He specifically loved taking care of the animals especially the chickens and the dogs. Before that summer ended, he asked his mother’s consent if he could stay with us and continue his studies in the nearby public school.  He got his wish.  And now, he’s a full-fledged free range child who’s connected to the earth and nature.


Since we started, we had a lot of volunteers and visitors from all over who were eager to learn and know more about The Pitak Poject. They came and helped us build, plant, harvest, cook and do the dishes.  We were overwhelmed that our blog audience, supporters and believers still continue to increase.


Also part of our growing family are the animals.  We now have a handful of chickens, a pair of native pigs, a goat and some ducks.  And farm dogs too.


Early this year, we were visited by some friends from the media.  We were featured in the Philippine Daily Inquirer on January 22, “Eco-friendly Earth House Rises in La Union Village.”.Rappler, a social news network, also featured our very own Cye Reyes with a quote on empowered love last Valentine’s Day.


Here’s her full quote: “Our love for the natural environment should be reflected on the way we treat and value its beauty and grandeur. Nurture it like how a mother nurtures her child, with care, kindness and compassion. Cherish it like how you cherish your loved ones, with respect, thoughtfulness and gratitude. Care for it like how you care for yourself, with dignity, importance and appreciation. Give nature unconditional love and it will give it back in return.”  See the Rappler feature here.

We were also visited by the ABS-CBN Regional Network Group from Baguio City and featured our waterless composting toilet in their news show TV Patrol Northern Luzon.


And last March 13, our Pitak/Mud House was featured in GMA News TV’s Motorcycle Diaries ni Jay Taruc.  Although it was just a short feature, we along with the community members organized a full bayanihan, a Filipino tradition where neighbours help each other like in planting, harvesting and building houses.  While the women cooked local delicacies for lunch, the men prepared the materials for the demonstration on mixing and applying mud to the walls.  Everybody participated in the demonstration, even the kids.  We all had a blast during the shoot. Watch it here.


We were also featured in several blogs.  One such feature was by our friend Roda Novenario through her blogsite Travel Dive Connect.  Check out what she wrote about us here.

And the most important update we are thrilled to announce is that we already have a certified permaculture designer.  Carol Galvez got certified last February in Kho Phangan, Thailand under the instructions of Richard Perkins of Ridgedale Permaculture (Sweden).  We are thankful for our friends and relatives who contributed for her course fee, airfare and some pocket money.  Since her certification in the Permaculture Design Course (PDC), she has been busy designing and planning for our site.


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4 Responses

    1. Sure! Just put credits for the photos you’ll use. Then send us the link of your post so we can share. And please do invite your followers to visit our blogsite. Thanks so much.

  1. Sorry for the delay, we have been away a bit lately. In any case it is posted now. Thanks so much, we really appreciate it, and best of luck to you all! 🙂

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